Elaina standing near the edge of a cliff at the outlook for the Bixby Creek Bridge in Big Sur. Elaina is looking out over the beach with the ocean in the background

12 Tips to Successfully Overcome Travel Anxiety

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Travel can be stressful for many, but certain aspects characterize themselves as anxiety. While anxiety may be scary, it is something that you can work on taking control of.

What is travel anxiety?

Anxiety is an overwhelming feeling of distress, worry, or fear. Anxiety presents itself differently in each person. Sometimes symptoms come in the form of rapid heart rate, chest pain, trouble breathing, nausea, diarrhea, restlessness, agitation, trouble focusing, or insomnia. If you experience these symptoms when you travel or think about traveling, you may have travel anxiety.

What causes travel anxiety?

Like how symptoms vary from person to person, so does the cause of travel anxiety. Some factors may include:

  • Past traumatic or bad experiences while traveling
  • Hearing about negative travel experiences
  • Being in unfamiliar circumstances
  • Genetics

Can I overcome travel anxiety?

The short answer is yes, but it’s easier said than done. Overcoming travel anxiety takes courage, practice, time, and patience. It’s not something that you can do over a one-week vacation. By implementing certain tips and techniques, travelers can work towards decreasing their anxiety. Eventually, the traveler will have control over their travel anxiety rather than it controlling them.

Disclaimer: Travel anxiety looks different for everyone. Some of these tips may work for you, some may not. If you have serious concerns about your anxiety, please consult a professional.

1. Identify your triggers

Anxiety is a tricky thing, because it looks different for everyone. Thus, people have different triggers for their anxiety. It’s important for you to become familiar with what triggers your anxiety. For example, social interaction while traveling can sometimes trigger my anxiety. Social anxiety is one type of anxiety that can affect your travel experience. Other triggers can include flying, planning a trip, packing, going through security, not knowing the language, and so on. 

2. Have a plan (but don’t be afraid to stray)

Many people struggle with anxiety when they are not prepared for what’s to come. If you have a set plan, knowing what to expect may ease your anxiety. On the flip side, don’t feel that you always have to stick to your plan.

3. Have a back-up plan

Going off the previous, it’s always a good idea to have a back-up plan. By doing so, you will know that you have a solution if your first plan doesn’t go exactly as you expected.

4. Distract yourself

Distractions serve as a good way to cope with anxiety, especially when it comes to anxiety while flying. Some distractions can include listening to music, reading a book, watching a television show, or playing a game. These distractions will help take your focus off of your anxiety symptoms.

5. Practice relaxation techniques

Again, the best relaxation techniques will vary from person to person. Some might work for me that don’t work for you and vice-versa. Some typical techniques include focusing on your breath, meditating, listening to calming music, or repeating some sort of mantra.

6. Travel with a companion

Having someone travel with you may alleviate feelings of unease. An experienced traveler can help to assure you that things are okay, because they are familiar with traveling. Even inexperienced travelers can act as support by providing someone for you to talk to and confide in.

7. Find your community

It’s important to remember that you are not the only person who has travel anxiety. There are several people who overcome a similar struggle every day. Find your community to see and hear it for yourself. You can find several people online through blogs, Instagram, or Facebook groups.

8. Remember why you travel

Always take a moment to think back to why you are traveling in the first place. There is a reason for your actions whether it’s to escape, learn, discover a new place, work, etc. Whatever it is, use that reason to push you forward.

9. Do your research

If you are unfamiliar with traveling or the destination you are traveling to, it can help for you to familiarize yourself with it. I always do research before traveling to a new destination. That way, I am prepared for any differences in culture, customs, and safety precautions.

10. Invest in your comfort and safety

One of the best tips to overcome travel anxiety is to take the proper steps to make yourself feel comfortable and safe. This can mean to invest in things like:

  • Hotels if hostels make you feel unsafe.
  • A money belt or secure bag if you worry about pickpockets.
  • Refundable flight tickets if you are anxious about trip cancelations or missing your flight.
  • Travel insurance to know that you’re covered while away (this tip is for everyone, not only people with travel anxiety)

11. Consult your doctor/therapist

If travel anxiety is a serious concern for you, consult a professional. A doctor or therapist that is more familiar with your particular scenario may be able to advise ways for you to cope with your travel anxiety. They will also be able to help determine if another route, such as medication, is a good option for you.

12. Have an exit strategy

Knowing that you can go home whenever needed can help calm feelings of anxiety. Make sure that you have the resources to make that return trip, if needed. 

By implementing any of these 12 tips, you are already taking steps to take control of your travel anxiety. These tips will help you mentally prepare for travel without feeling as overwhelmed or concerned with the effect it has on you.


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